Monday, June 17, 2013

John Korte

           Book Review
    The book that i’m reviewing is called The Fault In Our Stars by John Green. Reviewed by John K

    There are some books in stores that you read the summary and don’t know if you should buy it. Those are bad books, there are goood books too, though, they are not as jaw-dropping books, that make you wonder is that a real fact, or are you making it up? There are some romantic books that are good, this is an amzing romance. Any books you could think of, that have a good part to the book, well this could beat it in more ways than one.This is because the book is a comedy, romance, make you learn something kind of book that is good, and im pretty darn sure you cant get that type of book from the sun and back. The protagonist of this book is a 16 year old girl named Hazel Grace who is battiling Thyroid cancer. There is no hope of her ever getting better, and thats a fact but, she meets a hunk named Agustus Waters who gives her hope. The setting of this book is her house, Gus’s house, and Amsterdam, Netherlands, in modern time. She gets Augustus caught on this book called AIA: An Imperial Affliction by: Peter Van Houten. So they need awnsers about the book so Augustus uses his make a wish, wish to go to Amsterdam to find the awnsers that they need to hear. So that they can live the rest of their lives.

    I really liked this book because of it’s sophisticated ways and it’s intellectual means that makes the book just even more exciting to read. This book makes you think how would people look at me if i had a noticable cancer disesase? people might think that your a freak but, just have to embrace who you are and for some reason in the world you were probably meant to stand out. The theme to this book relates to an old saying “ don’t judge a book by it’s cover” because it shows that you can’t judge people foor who they are because you have no idea  what they have been through.This is a book that i would really only choose to reccomend to adults because of it’s big talk and how they use hard words, also this book could be very hard to understand because of the books big words. So you should be 12 and up to read this. Though i encourage anybody of all ages to read this book because compared to other books this book was not only good, it was the best of the best ,and deserves an award for how  good this is.

Honorable Mention
Catching Fire
The Giver

To Kill A Mockingbird

To Kill A Mockingbird
By: Harper Lee

To Kill A Mockingbird reviewed by Elizabeth K.Ever think of how it was back in the day? Well how about in the south where racism is a huge problem? The setting of the book is in a small town called Maycomb in Alabama. The story is told through the eyes of a young girl, named Scout Finch. Her family consist of her father Atticus Finch and her older brother Jem Finch. Atticus is supporting a black man, Thomas Robinson because he was accused for raping a white woman. Like i said before, racism is a problem. Atticus has to defend Tom very well to make him not guilty. As this is going on Scout and Jem learn a life lesson that will help them with everything. “you can kill all the bluejays you want, if you can hit them. But it is a sin to kill a mockingbird.”

I recommend this book to anyone, boy or girl, kid or adult. It shows how it was in the south where discrimination is allowed. The story is very moving and I enjoyed it a lot.  The ending is very shocking. I would read it again myself.  

Honorable Mention
-Before I Fall
-Call Me Hope

Julio Fulcar jr. Humanities Have you ever wondered what it was like to live on prison grounds with your dad being a guard and working all day , if you were, reading this book will give you a new perspective. This book is Al Capone Does My Shirts by Gennifer Choldenko. The protagonist is Moose Flanagan, a 7th grader who lives on Alcatraz with his mom, dad and his sister, Natalie. I liked this book, I really did, for a couple of reasons, one reason is that Moose always gets into these funky and rather interesting situations with the people around him, even the prison mates. One situation is when Moose finds his sister sitting next to one of the inmates and some of these inmates haven’t seen a women in years so you can imagine how Moose would feel after seeing that. The book reminds me of the importance of family and how Moose needs his family to find the resolution to some of his problems. This book also reminds me that your friends can get you into some pretty sticky situations, especially the warden’s daughter, Piper. One way Piper gets Moose into trouble is when she and Moose make their classmates pay to get their clothes washed by some of the most notorious criminals in the U.S. This was against the rules, so while Moose was getting in trouble, Piper was sitting pretty not getting in trouble because she’s the warden’s daughter. So read Al Capone Does My Shirts by Gennifer Choldenko, you might just like it.

The Murderers Daughter

                                        Book Review                 By:Brianna Conti

The Murderers Daughter, by Randy Susan Meyers is a believable yet heart breaking story. “There mother asked the impossible, their father did the unthinkable.” Lulu and Merry never had a normal life always doing things for there mother and lessening to their father yells every day he also gets drunk everyday. But on day he got to drunk and lost his mind and he killed Merry and Lulus mother, and stabbed Merry in her stomach with a knife. As the kids were put into a shelter home Merry wanted to keep her father close while Lulu pretended she never had a father. But both will dread the day their father wins parole.

I enjoyed the book a lot. I was heart reaching and believable. It brought tiers to my eyes as you read chapter to chapter you cant just stop. The Spense will kill you until you read that last word, that last page. I highly recommend this book to young adults and up it will make you wanting more until the last page.

Honorable Mention

.Are you their god its me Margret? - Juddy Blume
. Blubber - Juddy Blume
. Hershey Her Self - Cecilla Gana